Letter Mailbox Art Competition
EPG invites Emirati artists to participate in the Letter Mailbox initiative. This creative endeavor aims to transform red mailboxes across the UAE into compelling art pieces that powerfully narrate the stories of each city.
In a world where the hustle often overwhelms us, these mailboxes emerge as silent heroes, binding the threads of human connection. With a touch of nostalgia, they stand as beacons of hope in this digital age, reminding us of the enchanting power of written words.
The Significance of Mailboxes: The history of mailboxes in the United Arab Emirates dates to 1932, when the very first letter was posted from a Dubai postal service via Sharjah Airport. Letters once served as vital forms of communication, fostering deep connections between individuals. Today, the UAE has over (350) mailboxes, and through this initiative, we seek to transform these historical and integral monuments into captivating art pieces that tell the tale of our country.